Insurance Types

we provide

Featured Services

We provide concierge and personal services, plus a self-service portal.


Term Life

This is the cheapest form of life insurance for up to a period of 30 years. Some plans come with a money back option once the policy has termed out.


Whole & Indexed
Universal Life

Whole life provides permanent life insurance and a cash value savings component. Indexed Universal Life is like Whole like with added features like growing the cash value through an equity index account.


Final expense

A Whole Life policy for seniors to cover medical expenses and funeral expenses when you pass away.


Mortgage Protection

A term policy that helps with mortgage payments in the event of death.


Retirement Plans

Protect orphaned 401K accounts, IRAs, & Cash through Fixed Indexed Annuities.


Individual & Group Health, Dental ...

Get plans that fit you or your company. These Include Obamacare(ACA) plans & health sharing.

Short/Long Term Plans, And Cancer...

Special health plans that fit your personal needs and requirements.

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Medicare/ACA (Obamacare)

Federal program for those 65 years and older; certain younger people with disabilities and Obamacare review qualified.

Lower Your Workman Comp Costs

If your company is owed workmen compensation or the insurer unpaid you

Travel & Visitors Medical Insurance

Plans that include coverage for unexpected accidents & illness, lost baggage, flight delays, etc.

Self Service Portal

Need Funding?


What people are saying

Being the beneficiary, I reached out to Kal as my mother passed away. He took it upon himself to get all the paperwork and help me with the process of the claim to make sure that we get the funds to cover my mother’s burial expenses. He also helped me to get a $ 500,000 policy, with living benefits, so that I don’t leave any financial burden on my children. Kal is simply the best in the business.

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Sophia T

Kal was the only broker who managed to get a policy for my late husband. After, my husband passed away Kal worked diligently to get me the death benefit from AIG

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Carmen MacLeod

Kal Sandhu is the most reliable, honest, and professional person that I trust. With his experience, he was able to provide coverage for me that fit my budget so that my family would be protected

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Vaisiliva Feao

As I am getting older and thinking of getting married and settling down I wanted to make sure that I was covered through a policy that would only absolve any financial burden to my family but also create a cash value that I can use. Kal was so clear and educated me about the choices I had and to do it the most efficient way. I highly recommend Kal and he is hardworking and dedicated to his clients.

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D. Martinez

I invited Kal to present life insurance policies to my business networking group. Boy! were we surprised to learn that life insurance is not just a benefit to the beneficiaries but can also provide long-term care through living benefits; help retain key employees; create a cash value to use for kids' college or as a down payment for a house! Kal educated us about life insurance. Everyone needs life insurance and there is no better broker than Kal; I highly recommend him.

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P. Conlon

Secure your
future for your family.

Take the steps today to protect your family tomorrow

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